When one thinks of this, what really comes to mind? I’d say the Heart of God is the Inner Self of God. His very Being and foundation on which His characters and attributes are built upon. It’s this very part of Him that we think of when we Hear Him talk of David as a man after His own heart (1Samuel 13:14/ Acts 13:22). It also comes to mind when we consider the following scriptures;- Gen. 6:6, 1Sam. 2:35, Job 7:17, Jer. 3:15 & Matt. 6:21.
So, why is understanding and knowing the Heart of God very vital to a believer? To answer this we need to consider our general views of God. We always see God’s attributes as Holy, Just, gracious among others. We see Him as a God of Judgement & Mercy at the same time with equal measure. A God who can wipe out an entire nation in a microsecond because of one man’s sin & can also save an entire sinful world because of one man’s sacrifice. This brings us to the most intriguing question that even baffled angels. What is man that you think of him? (Job 7:17, Psalm 8:4-6, 144:3). The answer to this is in what God’s heart says about Him. We know that the words of the psalmist quoted in the book of Hebrews refers to Christ. But what would make God go to such great lengths for the sake of a sinful mortal man who has no regard for God and anything that associates with Him? The answer still is in what His heart says about Him. These thoughts led me to consider a number of things as a Minister of the Gospel
Many believers in ministry desire to win souls of the lost in fulfillment of the great commission as commanded by Jesus Christ. But would this be at any cost necessary? We also desire to operate in Great Signs and Wonders, Diverse Miracles and Various Gifts of The Holy Spirit without limits. We even have various scriptures in the Bible to back our quest in achieving all these. Whether we become successful soul winners followed by great signs and manifestations or not we always forget one Most Fundamental & Vital Factor;- do our methods and procedures in achieving all these matter? Or is it enough for people to be born again, healed and delivered regardless of how this is achieved?
Of course it all matters because God’s dealings and affairs with Humanity are eternally embedded at the Centre of His Heart. Whoever understands this will not only be a Man after God’s own Heart but will in essence portray the Very Spitting Image of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. How so you may ask. Well, one may be a great servant of God be it Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet, Teacher or Apostle full of the Holy Spirit, operating in great Signs an Manifestations but without what is in the very heart of God running through his spirit He can neither be a man after God’s own Heart nor even portray a Spitting Image of God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is evident in scripture such that although God had many servants in the Bible who lived holy and righteous lives only David found His way into God’s very heart despite his many sins.
So we need to understand that even though it is very key for us believers to fulfill our mandate not only as believers but also as disciples of Jesus Christ, how we do it can really warm God’s heart and secure for us a soft spot in Him. So as we evangelize and go about God’s business we need to understand, live and personalize the three key Characteristics that are embedded at the very hearts of God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.
*LOVE – The Father* There’s no way one can think of God the Father without thinking of His love. Until we understand How God’s love for an ungrateful, sinful human being who has no regard for anything God works without compromising His Holiness, Justice and Truth then there’s no way we can claim not only to harbour the Father’s Love within us but also personalize it and be able to affect those around us with the same love. We can’t display The Father effectively as well with Signs and Wonders to others if they can’t pick The Father’s Love out of us. (Eph. 2:4, 5:2, 1 John 3:1, 4:7-12,20)
*COMPASSION – Jesus Christ* I dare say it is the compassion that Jesus Christ had towards the people that catapulted the miraculous virtue out of him to those he was ministering to. There’s no where in scripture you’ll find it recorded that he healed the sick or fed the hungry without his compassion towards them being mentioned or displayed. It would therefore be so wrong for us as believers to minister to others out of duty as if it is a job without affection and compassion towards those we are assisting. Whether we like it or not as ministers of God, we can’t detach ourselves from those we serve. Service to people as ministers of God is not an act of a job or employment but an act of relationship. We must connect to every one we serve with compassion just as Jesus Christ did. (Matt. 9:36-37, 14:14, 20:34, Mark 1:40-41, 5:18-20, Luke 7:13-16)
*GENTLENESS – Holy Spirit* This has been recorded as part of the Fruit of The Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22. Any believer without being told would know that every description used in scripture especially the New Testament to refer to the Holy Spirit is associated with His gentle nature. He doesn’t force Himself on any one and never imposes anything. He’s so gentle that to Him are added scriptural warnings on grieving Him, quenching Him & blaspheming Him. Now how better to display the Holy Spirit at work in us than by emanating the Fullness of His Fruit in us through our gentle nature rather than trying to prove how best we can pray in or interpret tongues or even trying to show how many gifts of the Spirit we can operate in. Affecting others with the very nature of the Holy Spirit in us rubbing off on them goes a long way than trying to push down their throats how much we can operate in His gifts, how so often we hear from Him or whatever He’s saying. People need to see the Holy Spirit in us and through us more than what we’re telling them that He’s saying or the gifts we operate in. (Gal. 5:22, 2 Tim. 2:24, Titus 3:2, James 3:17). So as we Witness about God, let the LOVE of the Father, the COMPASSION of the Son and The GENTLENESS of the Holy Spirit in us flow out as Fresh Fountains towards those we interact with and minister to because this is what God’s Heart looks like.