(Part A) As we go through the scriptures, we see the engagements and manifestations of God among His people come in different nature’s and forms.
1) In the Old Testament we see a lot of Manifestations of God the Father through many SIGNS and WONDERS. We see this through the Ten Plagues in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, The thunder, fire, earthquake and smoke on mount Sinai, the pillar of fire and cloud in the wilderness, the cloud on the Temple when Solomon built it among others. 2) When we move to the Gospels we see a shift in engagements and manifestations move directly from the Father to the Son. Here we see Jesus manifesting through DIVERSE MIRACLES which are too numerous to mention. 3) When Jesus exits He introduces the Holy Ghost who started manifesting Himself on the Day of Pentecost. From then on we see direct engagements of God with His people through the third person of the Godhead who is the Holy Ghost. And more so, the tangible evidence of His Presence is manifested through the GIFTS of The HOLY GHOST. What about the days we live in? These are the Last Days and what does scripture say about the Last Days? The clue is in the scriptures themselves as indicated below:-
(Part B) ENGAGEMENTS and MANIFESTATIONS Of GOD WITH HIS PEOPLE IN THE LAST DAYS In the Prophecy of Joel about the Last Days, he speaks of God showing wonders in Heaven and Earth;- Blood, Fire & Pillars of smoke. Those in the Spirit will understand that this is the Manifestation of not only the Holy Ghost but the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is also talked of by the writer of Hebrews when he speaks of God Bearing WITNESS of those who heard Him by SIGNS & WONDERS, DIVERSE MIRACLES & GIFTS of THE HOLY GHOST in Hebrews 2:4! We all Know that this talks of God Bearing WITNESS of His SONS as talked of by Paul in Romans 8:19 through Manifestations of The Father, Son and The Holy Ghost respectively as we see in Hebrews 2:4. So this last move is that of The Father, Son and The Holy Ghost combined, and they have just begun to manifest. Greater is yet to come. You may ask; how is this so? Well, consider the following;-
(Part C) THE LAST MOVE OF GOD ON EARTH “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” 1 John 5:7-8 (KJV) Consider the above scriptures, forget what Theology may have taught some of us (me included 😊). We see John talking of THE FATHER, THE WORD & THE HOLY GHOST. Then says these Three BEAR RECORD IN HEAVEN. And that they are ONE. In the Following verse he talks of THE SPIRIT, THE WATER & THE BLOOD. That these THREE BEAR WITNESS ON EARTH. And the THREE AGREE IN ONE. Here we see Three Things;- 1) A transition from FATHER, WORD AND HOLY GHOST to SPIRIT BLOOD and WATER respectively 2) Record in Heaven to Witness in Earth 3) Three are One to Three Agree in One. Do we see it? Let me explain;- Many Believers have always understood that it’s only Christ who came down to Earth when He was born of the Virgin Mary. You’ll realize this was not the case. John was the first to get the Revelation. The Word in Heaven came to Earth and became Flesh; John 1:14. Paul talks of Him as Second Adam 1 Cor. 15:45 and in Hebrew Adam Means one of Blood. So we see how in 1 John 5:7-8 WORD transitions to BLOOD. You may ask, what of the Father and Holy Ghost? Well, when Jesus was conceived and transitioned from WORD to one with BLOOD, He was not the only one, an He was not Alone. The FATHER became Spirit and Holy Ghost Water the very moment the Word became Flesh. I don’t need to explain this, but consider how Jesus speaks of them in John 3:5-> Born of Water & Spirit/ Born of Holy Ghost and Father-> (1John 5:4), Father is Spirit -> John 4:23-24, Rivers of Living Water/Holy Ghost -> John 7:38-39.
So having gone through all these, are we Ready for the Witness of the Spirit, Water & Blood?? Which is Manifestations through SIGNS and WONDERS (Father), DIVERSE MIRACLES (Son) & GIFTS of THE HOLY GHOST (Holy Spirit) ?? Well, if we witness this then we are staring in The Face the LAST MOVE of God on Earth. This is the Witness the Godhead bears of His SONS on Earth by Manifesting Them (Romans 8:19). AND THESE THREE AGREE IN ONE!!! Shalom