From the time of creation of man, the activities of God in the quest for redemption of man has always revolved around Seven key historical and spiritual figures. The timeline between the time of creation to the time that the perfect unity of God and man is complete therefore is determined by the key roles and the spiritual representation of these figures which I call the Seven Pillars. They give us a roadmap of the timeline of God’s engagement with Man as well as the times and seasons we’re in. These are:- 1) ADAM – God’s Image Adam represents Man who is both in the image of God and also dwells in the presence of God. This is before the Fall that set everything in motion towards the reconciliation of God and Man. It is the beginning of God’s Timeline.
2) ENOCH- Fellowship Enoch stood for, symbolised and represented a close and intimate fellowship with God that resulted in him being raptured from this world to abide with God forever. We’ll see later what this means for the church.
3) NOAH- Grace Noah represents the grace of God (Gen.6:8). At a time when wickedness was at its peak on the face of the Earth, Noah found grace in the sight of God. So God saved him and his family from the coming destruction of the entire Earth.
4) ABRAHAM- Covenant/Election Abraham represents the covenant of God with Man and the election of a nation to be God’s people.
5) MOSES – Law/Commandments Moses represents the Law of God and the Commandments of God. We see this as guidelines and instructions on how to relate with God and each other as a people.
6) ELIJAH- Prophets We see Elijah not only in his lifetime but also in the transfiguration of Jesus Christ as representing a unique place and role of God’s Prophets in His Grand Plan.
7) JOHN the BAPTIST- Herald/ Voice John the Baptist is portrayed as a Herald and a voice in the wilderness that calls people to repentance in preparation for the Way of the coming of the Messiah. We even see Jesus refferring to him as the seal of the law and the prophets (Matt.11:13). 🕛🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖 Now!! Things get interesting from this point. We see Jesus coming to fulfill the Law and the Prophets which John sealed. The task of Christ is to restore the relationship that was lost between God and Adam. This is why Paul refers to Him as the Second Adam who is a quickening Spirit (1Cor. 15:45).
What does this mean for God’s timeline? Well, the CLOCK is RESET in Reverse. You may ask how? What Jesus did on the cross was to send us back to Adam where God’s nature and perfect image was lost. This means that God’s timeline now moves across the Seven Pillars but now in reverse. You may ask again, how is this so? The evidence is laid out in the scriptures. We start with John the Baptist who had the spirit of Elijah in him. With this refer to the prophecy of the spirit of Elijah in the last days; Mal. 4:5-6. Then to Moses; Jesus said a new commandment I give you & Paul spends a great deal of time explaining this in Romans 6 & 7. When you think of Abraham, you think of the new covenant in Christ; Hebrews 9. About Noah, Jesus said the last days shall be like the days of Noah Matt. 24:37-42. The question now is, are we already in the days of Noah according to God’s timeline? Because after this is the Rapture of the church that is represented by Enoch then finally the last Pillar Adam; to be with God & like God.
🔥~~”Hod La-Elohim”~~🔥 –: Maranatha :–
Your fellow servant in the vineyard, Jesse J. Mirega