(Ex. 28:30, Lev. 8:8, Deut. 33:8)
Urîym – Lights Tûmmîym – Perfection These were elements put on the Breastplate of Judgement, placed upon Aaron’s Heart, that he bears the judgement of Israel before God continually, used to
seek counsel of the Judgement of God by the priests (Numb. 27:21)
Lights signify the Father’s Glory (Pure Whiteness like lightning), Perfection signifies Holiness, Purity & Righteousness (a spitting image of the Father).
From the time Israel Rejected God as their King (1 Samuel 8:7) till Today, the Urim & Thummim have never been used to seek the counsel of God’s Judgement. And even when king Saul tried, God didn’t answer (1 Samuel 28:6). The Counsel of God’s judgement which can only be worn on the heart are a mystery of the Mind of God, the Thoughts of God, His, Pain, His Joys, Hurts & Disappointment & more so His Heart. Those who seek after His Face will only behold His Glory & Countenance, but those seek His Heart will have an Encounter with all these mysteries & more. Only those who have matured into Full Sonship, behold & are transformed into the Spitting Image of The Father which is pure whiteness of Glory, Graduated fully in Holiness, Purity & Righteousness & then ushered into the Royal Priesthood can be able to bear the Urim & Thummim upon their hearts, thereby unlocking the mysteries of the counsel of God’s Judgements & what they say for the Hour That Was, That Is & That Is to Come.